Saturday 14 July 2012

Call Me TWI-MUM!!

Twilight-obsession began sometime after mid-2008 when I started reading the books but was only truly cemented after I watched the first movie in Dec 2008.
In an earlier post, I had mentioned that it was my son's reading of the first book which intrigued me and even up till I watched the movie, I was not really caught up in the pre-movie hype.

I even bought the movie companion for my son and as he was not in Singapore, I kept it on my bookshelf, unopened and unread.
Well, I remember walking into the movie without knowing what to expect and walking out of the theatre with only one thought on my mind:
"I MUST watch this AGAIN!!!"
(As it turned out, the movie also spawned an enormously popular franchise which made the actors and Stephenie Meyer into superstars literally overnight.)

Haha...I would eventually watch it five times in all; alone, with another son, with the TwiSg girls. ;)
There was no stopping the Twi-mania therafter.
Books, magazines, piano books, CDs, yadayadayada....
I made a whole new bunch of friends from Twilight Singapore, whose passion for the franchise go waaay beyond mine.
We had loads of fun online, especially when two of them went for the Twilight premiere in Tokyo; I remember being really excited about their updates, especially when they saw Robert Pattinson at Narita Airport!
They have also organised lots of interesting events for each movie and I'm looking forward to the Twilight marathon when Breaking Dawn Part 2 is released in November!!
Thank you so much, you amazing ladies for keeping the Twi-light aflame!!!

Here's the website for those who are keen to follow updates:

I also discovered many other like-minded friends, some through unexpected ways from comments on Facebook or random conversations.
And Kinokuniya became a favourite haunt for all the books and magazines related to Twilight, when I realised how immensely up-to-date their stocks were....and which I'll showcase further below.
And I was even interviewed by a local women's magazine about the Twilight phenomenon and why Edward Cullen was such a beguiling character for the ladies, young and not-so-young. ;)

I now present the collection I've amassed over the past four years:

First came the books, which I bought from Borders. I love how creased and dog-eared they are...shows they've been well-read!

Then came the movie cover editions:

 The DVDs, CDs of the OSTs/scores, piano books and movie companions:

Official Guide to the Saga, Bree Tanner novella and Twilight graphic novels....note how beautifully the two covers form a composite!

 And there were lots of spin-off books:

Magazines galore!!

And merchandise like a teeshirt from another Twi-Mum, calendars and an Eclipse folder with Edward on one side and Jacob on the other!

Edit on 23 July 2012:

Thank you, Laura for sending me this beautiful board game!

Now awaiting BD2 stuff!!!

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